May 20th-25th, 2024
MONDAY MAY 20, 2024
Warm up!
2:00 RUN!
2 Rounds for quality
8 PVC good mornings
8 air squats
8 hips down push ups
8 arch/hollow swings - Pull ups in 2nd round
STRENGTH : 15 minutes to develop 1 rep. QUALITY Drop Snatch (May 6)
1 Round
800m run
5 pullups/ring rows
10 push ups
15 airsquats
10 pull ups/ring rows
20 push ups
30 airsquats
800m run
*Last week of Murph Prep!
*If you plan do to do Half Murph, run half the distance and can also reduce the number of rounds of pull ups/push up/airsquat.
*If you plan to wear a vest, do so today!
*This should take 25:00-30:00
TUESDAY MAY 21, 2024
Warm up:
2:00 bike/row/ski
2 Rounds
8 bootstrappers
8 PVC pass throughs
8 Barbell Deadlifts
8 Arch/hollow swings
8 glute bridges
1:00 banded trap stretch
STRENGTH : 20 minutes to establish a 1 rep. Deadlift (May 7)
10 Rounds, not for time of (time cap 20:00):
200m bag / ball carry
5 tall Box Jumps, 30"/24"
5 chin - ups (underhand)
WEDNESDAY “Mash-Up” May 22, 2024
Warm up!
2:00 row/bike/ski
1 Round
1:00 single unders/double unders
10 air squats
10 single arm DB high pulls each arm
10 double DB front squat
10 single arm DB press each arm
10 scap only pull ups
AMRAP 5 minutes of:
10 Dumbbell Power Snatch, R-arm
10 Dumbbell Power Snatch, L-arm
10 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
AMRAP 5 minutes climbing the ladder of:
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5…Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5…Burpees
AMRAP 5 minutes of:
40 Jump rope singles or doubles
100m Dumbbell Farmer's Carry
15 Dumbbell Floor Press
*You choose load.
*Rest 3 minutes between workouts.
Warm up!
2:00 bike/row/ski/jog
2 Rounds for quality
2 Inch worms with seal/down dog
8 Banded press
8 Sampson stretch
8 Banded pull aparts
8 Arch/hollow swings
SKILL WORK: Handstand work - Wall Walk! Last Week!
Going to work on skills for getting upside down, working on wrist flexibility and strength and wall walks.
Eccentric wrist flexion: 3 sets x 8 reps each side with 2.5-8#
Have wrist issues? This will help with flexibility and strength. Stay light and focus on the stretch as the hand lowers. Use your opposite hang to lift the hand up.. should not be a curl!
Start at beginning of progression. If you can complete 3 Rounds as written of each exercise, progress to the next step.
Feet up wall
2-3x Feet against wall, press into down dog, Walk feet up 1-2 steps (as high as comfortable) and back down to start position. Must hold plank position with hands.
Half wall walk
2-5x Feet against wall, press into down dog, Walk feet up 1-2 steps (as high as comfortable) then 2 walks with hands as high as comfortable - about half wall walk
Wall walk with Hold
2-5x Full Wall walk all the way up hold :02 and down
*Increase reps and speed up and down
Every 2:00 (1:30 working/:30 rest & transition) for 24:00 (3 Rounds through)
Station 1: Outdoor sled push, ~100m
Station 2: Max effort rope climbs or pull to standing
Station 3: Max effort burpee over wall
Station 4: Max effort ski calories
*One partner works at a time, can break up reps/distance as desired.
*Each team starts at a different station. Rotate through every 2:00.
FRIDAY MAY 24, 2024
Warm up:
2:00 easy row/bike/ski
2 Rounds
8 Bootstrappers
8 Banded good mornings
8 Banded presses
8 Box dips
8 Dead bugs
STRENGTH : 5 rep. Power Clean and Jerk for speed / efficiency / form. (Met.Con style) week 1.
5 rounds for time:
10 Ring Dips (jump / sling shot / heavy assistance)
12 alternating Medicine Ball Cleans, 20/14
14 cal. Row
Saturday May 25, 2023 8 - 10am
Open Gym!